2023-2024 Expected Milestones

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  • Q3 2023 Expect waiver of further animal pulmonary toxicology and approval early Phase Clinical Trials of antiviral CVX 20733 in Nepal and India
  •  Confirm DPI Manufacturer for CVX 20733
  • Q4 2023 Commence Pre-Phase I Pharmacokinetic) studies of CVX 20733 in healthy volunteers (Australia or Nepal & India)
  •  Combine Phase I Dose escalation Study of CVX 20733 in Healthy Volunteers (Nepal and India)
  • Q4 2023 Explore formal listing on Australian, Asian or North-American Stock Exchange
  • Q1 2024 Commence Phase II Clinical Trial of Nebulised CVX 20733 in the following cohorts: non-isolated hospitalized infection+ individuals; hospitalized non-ventilated infection+ve patients
  • Q3 2024 Phase III for CVX 20733 targeting: isolated non-hospitalised infection+ve patients and hospitalised non- ventilated infection+ve patients
  • * The projected timelines are fluid and depend primarily on the initial validation studies of anti-viral activity being completed on time. While timeline delays are possible, the successful completion of these initial studies, together with commensurate investment, will permit many of the subsequent pre-clinical tests to be carried out concomitantly, so as to accelerate the necessary clinical trials.

Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road 
Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 


Email: contact@covirix.com

Prof Kumud Dhital
CEO & Director

Richard Li
Executive Director & Head of Corporate Development

Dr Ian Nixon
CMO & Director